
Shoelaces and stuff [ENG]

Since the start of 2011, I

Tied my shoelaces, plenty of times
Loved my brother
Moved in a great new house
Admired my parents
Fell in love, then broke up
Smiled and cried, but not as much as I’d have wanted to
Discovered parts of my self
Slept with a girl on the same bed without having sex
Skyped a lot
Pushed myself to the limits and
Loved every moment of it
Travelled, kissed, waved goodbye
Got some nasty crashes, but didn’t care
Met some interesting people
Hugged, but not a lot
Hated myself
Went to IKEA, lots of times
Tried to love myself
Drove my car, quite often
Spent my birthday alone, no cake, no candles
Drank beer and felt dizzy
Hiked, ran, swam, dived, climbed, cycled
Rode some great motorcycles, for a little while
Unfortunately bought a huge TV
Deleted Facebook and
Logged into Twitter
Lost an icon, even went to his funeral (2010)
Read some nice poetry
Learned a few things about women
Assisted a close friend’s engagement
Read all of Bukowski’s novels
Thought about this girl,
Then saw her in the street by chance,
But did not talk to her
Found a newly-born kitten,
Now residing in my home
Had some mind-blowing sex
Sold my racing motorcycle to buy a refrigerator
Realized sex or happiness never come when you really need ‘em
Bought a really huge bed and
Gathered my friends to assemble it,
While eating pizza
Drank some Red Bull and
A lot of Powerade
Drove a car through the night,
Alone at the south of France
Finished a marathon
Got some positive reviews on my job
Spent time in airports reading books
Hated the boss even more
Lost eight kilos and
Got close to having the body I always wanted
Thought about having a tattoo
Met this really amazing girl
Talked, a lot
Had a quarrel with a good friend
Stayed awake through the night
Listened to some nice music
Got her breakfast on bed
Bought underwear from the supermarket
Saw the sun rising while riding my bicycle (2010)
Tried to admire the things I have
Felt deeply depressed
Bought her flowers
Lied to others
Saw “Paris, Texas” and cried in the end
Lied to myself
Finally decided not to talk to her again
Written a lot
Drank plenty of mineral water
Cared much about what the others think
Made mistakes
Hurt somebody
Celebrated my name day with friends
Bought a ticket to New York
Realized I should not give a fuck about things
So, bring on 2012



  1. AntyG is back! #godbless

  2. Good one Anty!




